One Does Not Simply Mess With Prophecies

It's true, boys and girls. If you've ever watched movies or read books that mentioned the P word, you'd know not to do anything to break them, and if you do, there will be serious repercussions to deal with.

Meaning that everything still happens the way the P word say it would, only with some bonus punches at your face for trying to mess with it.

Ezryan along with his companions knew that much, so, when Cain declared a set of prophecy containing the the Great War between Heaven and Hell which would result in the angels decimating almost all unholy citizens, followed by the new age war thousands of years later, they didn't try to break the former. Instead, they pursued the latter, and the angels were not exactly happy - well, those holy soldiers weren't happy that a few of unholy soldiers, most of all Ezryan, managed to find out about the second part of the prophecy to begin with, or hey, maybe they just weren't happy with the existence of unholy, period.

The angels thought that they would be able to destroy all of Hell, not to mention that the prophecy declared that Lucifer would be imprisoned during the Great War. Thus, they prepared to go to such lengths in destroying the unholy soldiers, even at the cost
of the planet.

On the other hand, the Echelons of Hell acted like Cain just popped their aneurysms or poked a big hole in their ego when he declared the destruction of Hell. That massive bigheadedness was why they decided to keep Cain's prophecy under wraps, and didn't take actions on it. Instead, most of the Echelon members who'd been under Kathiera's influence chose to focus on Yverna since the Cherxanain was once again acting suspiciously, well, according to Kathiera who was hellbent to subjugate  that particular female soldier who somehow kept on outwitting her - lesson to be learned, actually, so you'd never mess with jealous women in politics.

Anyways, under the pretence that Yverna was about to commit high treason by releasing a sensitive intel - one which was never announced to the Legions namely Cain's prophecy - Kathiera even tried to assassinate her. However, unbeknownst to Kathiera, Yverna was one of those directly involved in the new age war according to the prophecy, which was why she always slipped through even the smallest of windows to barely escape with her life - again, no one messes with prophecies.

In the end, even though most of the soldiers did fall by the angels' swords, the ones meant to escape did, even though not in the way both the angels and the unholy soldiers wanted.